PU Songling was born in 1640, died in 1715 when he was 76 years old .he come from a scholar family, but the family was very poor, his farther taught him in person. He was the most intelligent childe in his family, so his father loved him very much and wish him can bring honor to the family in the future. When Pu songling was 18 years old, he was married to liu Ruren. They loved each other very much, and lived together about 56 years until the wife died. In the second year, that was his 19 years old, he got successed in his first country examination, and got a title of “Xiucai”(one who passed the imperial examination at thecounty level in the Ming and Qing dynasties,and it was elementary for a man who want to got success in political circles in that time). But unfortunately, from then on, he couldn't pass the higher imperial examination and didn't find a government post. For living, he had to work as a private secretary for his friend named Sunhui, a county magistrate in Jiangsu provice or teach children for big family. The small model is a landlord's house named Bi Jiyou. The building is private library. You can see the Bi's was magnificent and very rich in that time. Mr. Pu worked in there more than 30 years as a resident teacher. The master treated him kindly, so Mr. Pu could teaching while reading and writing in this good environment. This helped him to write many works. Now, the house had already been repaired and became a good sight. These pictures were been take before several years ago. “Chuo Ran” hall was the working room where Mr. Pu had lived in Bi's. The chart shows the exam times that Mr. Pu had experienced.
He attended imperial examinations for 30 years but only to fail each time. As a result, he lived among the ordinary people most of the time and understood their life and feelings, their likes and dislikes. This helped him to write many stories. Mr. Pu not only was talented but also honest and frank, he usually do all his best to helped the poor, so he command the respect of all villager and many squires also admired him very much. When Mr. Pu was seventy-one, he returned from bi's. In the same year, he was reputed as "Sui Gongsheng", that was a scholar rank. It shows Mr. Pu was an scholar of good moral standing and reputation in hometown. He lived a rural life in his last several years. In 1715, Mr. Pu died at the age of 76. His tomb at the south-east of his village. (You can walk there within twenty minutes.
Here are the parts of the funerary objects, they were unearthed in Pu Songling's tomb in 1954:tobacco pouch, beads, bronze mirror, Xuan De furnace, table lamp, tin flagon, wine cup, bronze hair clasp, silver ear pick, hand warmer, ink stone, signet .the objects are more ordinary, so Mr. Pu was poor in all his life.